
Goal Setting That Actually Works

January 24, 2024

If you’re in the process of goal setting, there are 3 things you can do to ensure success in 2024!

This one is for the girls who are tired of setting the same goals every year

Tired of pouring wine, pulling out those magazines, and praying to manifest the same old thang!

No more!

I’m about to share four game-changing tips to help you get in the spirit to desire your dream life while also giving you the tools to really take action.

After all, your vision will never come to life unless you are consciously moving toward your goal through daily, intentional action.

One of the most frustrating things that we experience this time of year is looking back over the last 12 months, realizing we are nowhere near where we want to be, and wondering how this year could possibly be any different.

So, how can you ensure your goal-setting actually works?

Well – if you want something different, you’re going to have to do something different.

Everybody lied when they said you could create a vision board and just watch the magic happen.

goal setting


These are 3 things you can do differently to ensure your goal setting actually works in 2024:


-1- Get your mind right

Sounds simple, but without the right mindset, it is extremely difficult to maintain momentum to work toward. We tend to be super excited at the vision board party, eager to go after our goals and doing so with great expectancy – but what happens when life starts lifin’? What will you do when you don’t reach that first milestone when you anticipated? Without the right mentality, it’s super easy to allow frustration to lead to distraction.

Adopting a new mindset isn’t a one-time thing, though. It’s a daily commitment to thinking differently. The challenge is that our thoughts and patterns are shaped by our beliefs – what we’ve been believing for a really long time. So, it’s going to take effort and consistency in reshaping our thought patterns to produce better results.

One way you can do this is through affirmation. In order for affirmations to actually work, though, you have to write your own. They have to be in alignment with you to actually feel good to you. Your affirmations should stir up some excitement inside of you, they should get you excited, back in alignment, and feeling excited to keep going.

Once you’ve written a few affirmations that feel good to you, create a simple way to realign and readjust throughout the day. Because there is going to be something or someone that irks your nerves or irritates your spirit at some point, and your affirmations should remind you of who you are, whose you are, and what you are working toward. I like to add affirmations to my calendar app so they pop up at specific times that are typically more stressful throughout the day. You can also create a digital vision board to add as your screensaver or stick to the old-school post-it note on the mirror way of remembering to affirm yourself.

Prayer and meditation also offer an opportunity for you to get in alignment with your divine assignment. We’re not just creating dreams that “look” good or ones that are based on other people’s opinions, we want to ensure the things we are going after this year are in line with what God is calling us to in this season.

In order to focus intensely on your new goals for 2024, limiting distractions is going to be essential. Tuning out the noise, getting away from anything or anyone that goes against your goals so you can get the clarity needed to go after what you want.


-2- Get Clear

When it comes to goal setting, confusion costs you! In order to accomplish your 2024 goals with ease – let’s get crystal clear about our intentions, with as much detail as possible. Some ways that you can create more clarity for yourself is: write out your intentions – you can make a list of 10-20 goals for the year and then prioritize them. Or you could create a theme for the year to help guide your decisions. Regardless of how you choose to organize your goals, clarity is going to be essential.

In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill talks about the importance of identifying a chief definite aim, one specific thing you are working towards. In order to achieve your goals, it’s important to outline them in great detail before getting started. This way, your goals can dictate your daily activities which will increase your chances of success.

We’ve all heard of SMART goals – goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. But setting smart goals is only the start. Once you’ve set your goals, it’s time to implement systems that allow you to progress toward them regularly. Based on the smart goals that you identify, you can work backward to develop a quarterly, monthly, and daily action plan based on the priorities that make the most sense.


-3- Get to work!

Now is a great time to rework your daily schedule so that your goal-setting is a priority each day. One thing that works for me is identifying my reoccurring tasks and then assigning them to a day of the week. This way I know the priority for each day and I can ensure the mandatory tasks are complete.

I’ve heard really great things about the 12 Week Work Week as a means to accomplish so much more in 2024! It’s a practice that allows you to shorten the time it takes to achieve your goals and actually get to your goals quicker! Instead of giving yourself 12 months to bring your goals to life, you plan the year in 12-week increments. To get a better understanding of how the concept works, you can check out the book HERE. I even have a 12 Week Year Digital Planner that you can fill in to help make it all make sense. Grab it HERE.

If you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.

Over the next 12 months, my goal is to bring you on. my journey with bringing my goals to life, too! Check back for more tips, tricks, tools, and resources, like goal setting that actually works!

Let’s make 2024 the year that you surprise yourself by showing up in ways you never have before! 

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